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Roman Snail Trail at Chedworth Roman Villa

Come and learn about one of Chedworth Roman Villa's famous residents.

  • Booking not needed
  • Free event (admission applies)

This May half term we will be celebrating Helix Pomatia, the Roman Snail. This snail is one of Britain's largest and is thought to have been brought here by the Romans as a source of food almost two thousand years ago.

Come and learn about the wonders of the snail, study its incredible shell, and play snail-inspired games. Dress up as a snail and challenge your friends and family to some human snail racing. Study ancient recipes, create snail crafts and even help us to name our snails!

On selected days, you will be able to chat to Chedworth's ‘Snail Champions’ who have been tracking snails around the Villa to help us to understand more about this protected species. There will also be storytelling sessions where you can hear about the adventures of ‘Pom the snail’ and his family.

During half term, you may be lucky enough to spot a snail in and around our ancient walls. If you do find one on your visit, look but don't touch and remember that they are definitely no longer on the menu.



Event ticket prices

This event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue.

Check admission prices

Upcoming events


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