Dyrham Park's collections
Explore the objects and works of art we care for at Dyrham Park on the National Trust Collections website.
This article focuses on some of the incredible treasures in the collection at Dyrham Park. There are many more to discover inside the house, each with a unique story to tell.
A pupil of Rembrandt, Dutch painter Samuel Dirksz van Hoogstraten was famed for his ‘trompe-l’oeil’ (‘deceives the eye’) pictures. He excelled in creating three-dimensional realities using nothing but oil paint.
After politician Thomas Povey commissioned Van Hoogstraten to paint A View Through A House, he hung it in his London townhouse. However, when Povey's nephew William Blathwayt moved into the newly built house at Dyrham Park, Povey gave him the artwork.
The painting seems to be telling a romantic story using symbolic elements: a love letter on the stairs, a caged bird set free, a broom and a key on the pillars. If this is a marriage negotiation, who's the fourth man at the window, his hand raised and ready to knock upon the glass? Is he about to declare his true love?
Dyrham Park’s collection of Delftware says much about two of the consuming passions among wealthy Europeans during the 17th century: Chinese porcelain and tulips. William Blathwayt (1649-1717) amassed one of the most important collections of Delft pottery in Britain, including extravagant flower vases, large plant tubs, delicate fruit baskets and much more.
Delftware was made for export in the 1680s and 1690s by potters in Delft, Holland. Objects were often painted to resemble Chinese porcelain, but they were actually made of faience, or tin-glazed earthenware. Due to dynastic instability in China, the export of porcelain came to a virtual halt for more than three decades.
Although not currently on display, one of Dyrham Park’s most prized possessions is a Flemish triptych (a panel painting divided into three sections). The biblical scenes, believed to have been painted in oil by Jan van Doornik, date from around 1530.
Originating from Antwerp, the painting shows The Adoration of the Magi in the largest central panel, Nativity by Night with Shepherds on the left wing, and The Flight into Egypt on the right wing.
There are records of the painting at Dyrham Park dating back to 1710. The painting was located in St Peter’s Church on the estate, where a copy still remains.
- Eilidh Auckland, Property Curator
This floral painting (above) is a vanitas, a work of art that illustrates biblical teaching on the transience of life. The composition of fragile floral beauty set against decaying fruit, consuming creatures and encroaching weeds symbolises the fact that human life, however glorious, inevitably ends.
Painted by the Dutch artist Cornelis de Heem, it was probably bought by the owner William Blathwayt at the end of the 17th century. His education would've taught the skills needed to de-code this type of painting, and he would've understood the moral messaging behind the attractive scene.
Pyramid vases – also known as flower pyramids – are ceramic vessels with individual sections for displaying cut flowers, especially tulips. They were particularly fashionable during the reign of William and Mary.
The pyramids consist of seven graduated tiers, with each tier acting as a receptacle of water for cut flowers. Flower stems are inserted through narrow spouts, modelled to resemble a serpent’s open jaw.
In the 17th century, these spouts would've been the perfect way to show off expensive ‘florist’ flowers. During this time, florists specialised in the cultivation of a select few plants, with tulips being the most prized of all.
In keeping with their 'Chinese' appearance, the vases resemble pagodas more than pyramids. Delft potters excelled in the art of combining stylistic elements from Europe and Asia to produce hybrid, contemporary designs, and the pyramid vase is an excellent example of this.
In the entrance hall at Dyrham Park are two framed Delftware plaques, a vision of China in blue and white. Dating from the late 17th century, the tiles show the Chinese countryside. In the foreground are large palm, banana and pineapple plants, around these are birds and a fox-like animal, while in the distance a small village with a pagoda and a mountain can be seen.
Explore the objects and works of art we care for at Dyrham Park on the National Trust Collections website.
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Discover the stories behind some of the greatest artworks and artefacts looked after by the National Trust, as told in a dedicated book, 125 Treasures from the Collections of the National Trust.
The main phases of conservation and decorative work in the house at Dyrham Park are now complete and you can explore beautifully presented rooms, delve into the house's history and discover what it was like to live in the 17th century.
Dyrham Park’s 17th-century inspired West Garden, ponds perry orchard and 270 acres of parkland are filled with seasonal interest and great places to spot nature.
After exploring the house and garden, refuel with a tasty treat from the tea-room, café at Old Lodge or tea garden kiosk. Whether sweet or savoury, there's bound to be something to tempt you. Afterwards, take home a gift from the shop, where there's a wide range of products, from locally made chutneys to fun family books.
The 270-acre parkland at Dyrham is a great place to explore the outdoors and enjoy a walk, whatever the time of year.