Surrey Hills podcasts: A walk with a ranger

From hidden green spaces right next to the M25 to the iconic views from Box Hill, take a walk with a ranger through the Surrey Hills. Hear how they care for these special habitats and discover some surprising histories.

Episode 1: Reigate Hill's hidden histories
Reigate Hill in Surrey is steeped in military remains and secret clues – you just need to know where to look. Learn how this part of the county has played an important role in defence through the years, where archaeology is about looking up as well as down and how we remember those that lost their lives in conflict. This episode is presented by Jo Dyson and Archaeologist James Brown and is funded by the Surrey Hills Access Fund.

Episode 2: Headley Heath: rarer than the rainforest
Headley Heath in Surrey is home to an astounding array of protected birds, plants, and animals. Its former uses – from common grazing land to military training site have left a legacy of soil disturbance that’s proven invaluable today and created an almost unique habitat for wildflowers to flourish. This episode is presented by Jo Dyson and Area Ranger Theo Howard and is funded by the Surrey Hills Access Fund.

Episode 3: Box Hill: nature’s playground
Iconic Box Hill commands spectacular views over the Weald, welcomes one million visitors each year and is a focal point for road cycling. Despite its popularity, it’s home to a multitude of flora and fauna which thrive in its chalk grassland, ancient box woodland and riverine ecosystems. This episode is presented by Jo Dyson and Lead Ranger Meredith Westall and is funded by the Surrey Hills Access Fund.

Episode 4: Oxted Downs: going against the flow
Oxted Downs in Surrey sits along the North Downs Way, high above the M25 and close to the Kent border. Hear how Ranger Merry and her team of volunteers care for native species in this rare chalk grassland, whilst contending with pollutants from traffic on the UK’s busiest road as it thunders by below. This episode is presented by Jo Dyson and Ranger Merry and is funded by the Surrey Hills Access Fund.

Episode 5: Limpsfield Common: Hear our Song
The mixed-broadleaf woodland at Limpsfield Common provides a haven for Surrey’s native bird species. Learn how we’ve used dead hedging to protect the historic Yalden Spring and about Limpsfield’s important role in early outdoor radio broadcasting. This episode is presented by Jo Dyson and Ranger Conor and is funded by the Surrey Hills Access Fund.

Episode 6: Harewoods and Outwood: a working landscape
A tractor rumbles over a stubble field as skylarks sing above. Ancient oaks guard shady ponds where the flash and dazzle of a dragonfly draw you close to the water’s edge. Hedgerows act as nature’s larder. Discover how we work in partnership with our tenant farmers to care for this centuries-old estate. This episode is presented by Jo Dyson and Area Ranger Ashlie Williams and is funded by the Surrey Hills Access Fund.
The Surrey Hills: 'A walk with a ranger' series of podcasts is funded by the Surrey Hills Access Fund.