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Haf o Chwarae Gardd Goedwig Colby / Summer of play Colby Woodland Garden

Saethyddiaeth ysgafn a gemau dôl yr haf hwn / Soft archery and meadow games this summer.

  • Booking not needed
  • Free event

Join us over the summer at our weekly sessions of soft archery and meadow games. It's the perfect way for all the family to enjoy the beautiful meadow and woodland garden.


The basics


Suitable for children under 12 if accompanied by an adult.

Meeting point

Meet in the meadow. Drop in activities.

What to bring and wear

Please bring clothing and footwear suitable for all weathers in the outdoors. Refreshments snacks and meals available at the Bothy Tearoom or alternatively bring your own.


Members park free. Non-members pay parking charges.

Contact info

Colby Woodland Garden

Upcoming events


Llwybr Pryfed Peillio Hunan-dywysedig / Self-led Pollinator trail 

Dewch i gwrdd â’r pryfed peillio sy’n byw yma a hawliwch wobr pan fyddwch chi wedi gorffen / Meet our resident pollinators and get a prize when you finish

Event summary

27 Jul to 1 Sep 2024
10:00 to 16:00
+ 36 other dates or times

Ioga yn y ddôl / Yoga in the meadow 

Mwynhewch ddynameg ioga mewn lleoliad awyr agored hardd / Enjoy dynamic yoga in a beautiful outdoor location.

Event summary

28 Jul to 25 Aug 2024
10:00 to 11:00
+ 4 other dates or times

Myfyrdod bore heddychlon gyda Maxine / Peaceful morning meditation with Maxine 

Profwch amgylchedd hamddenol a hyfryd Gardd Goetir Colby yn ystod bore o fyfyrio / Experience the calming and beautiful environment of Colby Woodland Gardens in a morning of meditation

Event summary

3 Aug 2024
10:00 to 12:30

Mynegwch eich hun / Express yourself 

Cyflwyniad i baentio haniaethol / An introduction to abstract painting.

Event summary

7 Aug 2024
10:30 to 15:30