‘50 things to do before you're 11¾’
Have fun exploring nature and the great outdoors with our list of ‘50 things to do before you're 11¾’.
Help a plant to grow is no. 41 on our list of ‘50 things to do before you’re 11¾’, and it is a challenge that'll take a bit of time. You can't complete it in a day, or even two, as plants take time to grow, but it's worth the wait. Follow these tips for success.
Gardening is a hobby that can last a lifetime; it can be such a fun and fulfilling pastime. You’ll gain plenty of new skills and a lot of planting wisdom as you progress.
Part of the enjoyment is seeing what you’ve planted growing into something beautiful (or edible). The other part is the pleasure of caring for another living thing and helping it to thrive. You can even grow your own fruit, vegetables or herbs.
First of all, think about what you want to grow. Do you want something that you can eat? Or would you prefer a plant that looks interesting at different times of the year? Do you want sweet-smelling flowers or interesting seed heads?
We think strawberries are one of the easiest and tastiest things to grow. Or you could think about herbs like basil (which goes well with nearly every pasta or pizza dish), rosemary or thyme.
Or you could try your hand at veggies – peas or cress are easy to look after, or tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, parsnips or salad leaves. The list is endless really, so it's pretty much down to you and what you fancy eating, and what time of year it is.
Remember that whatever you have chosen will take a while to grow, so you usually won't be eating it for at least a month after you've planted it.
Don’t worry, there are lots of places you can grow plants even if you don't have a garden or outside space.
A sunny window sill is a good place to grow things. Try planting lettuce seeds in pots or trays. There are lots of colourful varieties to choose from and once big enough, you can pick off leaves and add them to a meal.
You could plant single sunflower seeds in pots on a sunny window sill, or grow an avocado plant in an old jam jar? There are lots of things to try.
You might be allowed to sow something in the cracks of an old wall. Aubretia is a beautiful purple plant that loves to live in the cracks of walls and paths, and it self-seeds very easily.
Although spring and especially summer are often the most exciting times to watch and care for your plant, don’t forget to nurture it the whole year round. Some plants and trees have wonderfully coloured branches in the winter time – perhaps they’re even more beautiful than the plant in full leaf. You decide.
Have fun exploring nature and the great outdoors with our list of ‘50 things to do before you're 11¾’.
To ensure you can complete your ‘50 things to do before you’re 11¾’ activities safely, here are some top tips to help you complete your challenges with safety in mind.
Birds singing, woodpeckers tapping, trees rustling, waves crashing and streams bubbling. These are just some of the sounds that nature makes. Head outside and join nature’s band as part of the National Trust's ‘50 things to do before you’re 11¾’.
Lend a helping hand to the animals and birds that live near you by making sure they have food to eat and a place to sleep. It’s no. 43 of our ‘50 things to do before you’re 11¾’.