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School visits to the Birmingham Back to Backs

Courtyard of Court 15, Birmingham Back to Backs
Courtyard of Court 15, Birmingham Back to Backs | © National Trust Images/Paul Harris

School visits to the Birmingham Back to Backs are a fun and interactive way to engage young minds with history. If you're looking to book a school visit for children to learn about history in Birmingham, read on to learn more about what we can offer.

What are school visits at the Back to Backs like?

With an enthusiastic team, the Birmingham Backs to Backs bring history to life for school children. Our workshops aid classroom learning by giving children a hands-on experience of how families lived in the past. All our workshops link directly with curriculum subjects, particularly for those working on local history studies. We are very happy to tailor our sessions to meet any specific learning objectives.

What is available?

We can provide the following workshops:

  • Homes from the past - Key Stage 1
  • Victorians - Key Stages 1 and 2
  • World War I - Key Stage 2

When are school sessions available?

Standard school sessions at the Back to Backs can be booked on a Tuesday or Wednesday morning and run from 10.00 - 12.30.

How many children can I bring?

We can provide eduction sessions for one class - up to 30 students.

Can I bring a homeschool group?

Yes, we can provide education sessions for homeschooled children. Minimum of 10 children.

How much do school workshops at the Back to Backs cost?

Prices for school workshops at the Back to Backs are listed below.

£3.50 per child with a National Trust Education Group membership

£5 per child without a National Trust Education Group membership

How do I book a school session at the Birmingham Back to Backs?

To book a workshop for your school or to find out more about how we can tailor the sessions, please email or call us on 0121 622 2442 from 9.00 - 17.00 Monday to Friday. Information on National Trust Education Group membership can be found here.

School children planting vegetables in the kitchen garden at Quarry Bank, Cheshire

Education Group Access Pass 

If you’re planning educational group visits to National Trust places, then you could benefit from an Education Group Access Pass, which gives you free admission for a year.