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Booking your visit to East Pool Mine and Michell's Engine House

East Pool Mine - view from car park
East Pool Mine entrance | © National Trust Images/ James Beck

East Pool Mine offers a tour led experience of this site so below is how to go about booking onto one of our tours. Extend your visit by taking a look at Michell' which opens for a self-led exploration of this restored engine house and offers a variety of artistic installations through the year. Further details can be seen below.

How to book

East Pool Mine is open Sundays through to Thursdays from March until October for pre-booked tours which last for approximately an hour.

Michell's Engine House is open for self led visits and pre-booking is also advised. The site is open Monday to Thursday, April through to October.

Please be aware that Michell's Engine House is located approximately 0.3 miles from East Pool Mine. Please follow this link for a site map showing the route between Michell's and East Pool Mine.


  • Bookings for an East Pool Mine Tour can be made up to an hour prior to the start of a tour on the day, where timeslots are available.
  • Bookings for the Michell's Engine House visits close at 8am each day that visits are available.
  • Entry is free for members and under 5's. Please bring your membership card with you. 
  • Michell's is a short walking distance from East Pool Mine, so select a different timeslot  if you intend to visit both. Accessible parking can be arranged by request.
  • We'll send your booking confirmation by email. 

When you arrive

If you’re coming to East Pool Mine or Michell's Engine House by car, free parking is available at the Morrisons car park off Agar Road. (TR153NH). Look for the black National Trust sign at the far end of the car park.

When you arrive at East Pool Mine, please enter through the green pedestrian gate, at the far end of Morrisons car park. Please have your ticket ready to show, either on your phone or a printed copy. If you’re a member of the National Trust you’ll also be asked to show your membership card at the welcome desk.

If you have booked a visit to Michell's Engine House please be aware that admission is still via East Pool Mine first, so follow above instructions and staff can assist with directions.  

Please arrive for your booking within 10 minutes of your timeslot. 


Changing your booking 

If you set up an account when you made your booking, you will be able to amend the date/time of your booking online up to 24 hours before the date of your visit, or by calling 0344 249 1895

If you are a member and can no longer attend, please let us know by giving us a call on 0344 249 1895


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