Springwatch at Corfe Castle
- Published:
- 27 May 2024
- Last updated:
- 27 May 2024

Tune in to Springwatch 2024 , the annual BBC2 series which follows the habits and stories of British wildlife to watch the real birds of Corfe Castle.
Watch "The coolest nest in Springwatch history"
Springwatch, the annual BBC series which follows the habits and stories of British wildlife during the season has set up cameras near the top of the Corfe Castle ruins to watch what they call “The coolest nest in Springwatch history”.
The real birds of Corfe Castle
The nest, which was commandeered from Ravens and is in a chimney cavity high in the keep - the tallest part of the castle - is home to two Peregrine falcons, one female and one male. The Peregrines moved into the castle for the first time during lockdown and now return each year.
Ravens, who were once annual visitors at the castle, disappeared during lockdown but have returned with both species calling Corfe Castle home. This has set the scene for a bitter rivalry and high drama.
Peregrine falcons
The Peregrine falcon preys exclusively on other birds with pigeons being a firm favourite. It is the fastest animal on the planet – swooping down onto its prey at high speed and it’s been clocked diving at a mind-boggling 242 miles per hour. They nest high on cliffs, mountain ledges and increasingly manmade structures such as cathedral spires and other high buildings, hence Corfe Castle being a perfect nesting site.

Don't miss any of the action
Springwatch is on BBC2 at 8pm and runs from Monday 27th May through to the 13th June or why not come along to the castle to see the birds in real life? Entry is free for National Trust members.