August 24
Phase 3 continues
New display on the back lawn
The new display about specialist crafts is now out on the back lawn. It features 8 boards of information relating to the project and the specialist crafts that are involved. The boards feature different facts about the materials used and have some close up images as well. Facts include – ‘the windows are being repaired in situ as far as possible using a glazier from the Jewellery Quarter’, 1,700 new reclaimed Welsh slates and 8.5 tonnes of new lead have been used.
Decorating the hoarding
For the next few weeks we are running an event where families can decorate a painted panel which will then decorate the hoarding around the scaffolding. There is a tent set up down by the children’s area for families to go and decorate a panel around the theme of ‘what do you care for’ or ‘what do you love?’.