Caring for nature
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We’re working with partners to research ecosystems at 100 woodland and meadow sites across the country. The findings will help inform our work to support wildlife habitats damaged by climate change, drought and other environmental threats. Research sites include the Knepp Estate in West Sussex, an area in the South Downs and the Stonehenge landscape.
The research consortium is being led by Cranfield University, the National Trust, Stirling University, the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology and Forest Research. It has secured a £2m grant from Natural Environment Research Council to explore the best ways to reverse habitat loss and degradation caused by agriculture, climate change, development and pollution.
We're investigating sites that have already undergone restoration to understand what impact different measures have had on the resilience of woodland and grassland ecosystems. Looking at how ecosystems function in terms of carbon capture, nutrient cycling and pollination will help us to identify what we need to do next for nature’s recovery.
With the increasing number of challenges our landscapes are facing we need to look forward to what will create the robust, functional and resilient ecosystems of the future.
The research will help conservationists and those involved in ecosystem restoration ensure interventions – like tree planting or re-introducing species – are made to maximum benefit. It will help us with our own conservation goals of creating 25,000 hectares of priority habitats by 2025 and the establishment of 20 million trees to expand or to create new woodlands over the next decade.
Research is under way at more than 100 sites, which are currently in the process of being restored. These include the South Downs, Knepp Estate in West Sussex and Stonehenge. Teams of scientists are exploring each of the different sites and the factors that control their development and stability.
We are trying to understand how the nuts, bolts and cogs of the ecosystems that we are interested in reassemble and function, and whether this can be done quickly – or whether we need a lot of patience with Mother Nature – who you simply cannot fool.
Learn about our work on nature, climate and sustainability, and find out what you can do to make a difference.
Read about our strategy, which focuses on restoring nature, ending unequal access and inspiring more people.
Discover how we’re helping increase butterfly populations through habitat management and monitoring, and learn about the rare species we’re bringing back from the brink.
Since the 1930s, over 97 per cent of the UK’s hay meadows have disappeared as a result of changes in farming practice. We are working with tenant farmers to restore pasture to hay meadow.
Find out how we're working with farmers to investigate new, practical ways of improving farming methods to benefit farmers, nature and the environment.