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Record Breakers Challenge at Chedworth Roman Villa

Find out about Chedworth's incredible records and set a few of your own.

  • Booking not needed
  • Free event (admission applies)

This summer Chedworth Roman Villa will be hosting a record breakers challenge. The Villa holds several impressive records including the longest in-situ mosaic in Britain, the oldest toilet in the National Trust, the only known 5th century mosaic and the first on-site Villa museum in the world. The Villa is even home to Helix Pomatia, the Roman Snail, which is the largest gastropod in Northwest Europe.

Not only will you be able to learn about Chedworth's records, but during the Summer of Play you will get the chance to set your own in Roman inspired games, puzzles and sporting activities.

This event forms part of Chedworth Roman Villa’s centenary celebrations (100 years of being cared for by the National Trust)



Event ticket prices

This event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue.

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Chedworth Roman Villa

Upcoming events


2024 Festival of Archaeology at Chedworth Roman Villa 

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Event summary

27 Jul to 28 Jul 2024
10:00 to 16:30
+ 1 other date or time

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27 Jul to 28 Jul 2024
11:00 to 15:00
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28 Jul 2024
11:00 to 15:00

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29 Jul to 28 Oct 2024
09:30 to 11:00
+ 2 other dates or times