Everyone needs nature, now more than ever. Donate today and you could help people and nature to thrive at the places we care for.
Caring for Canons Ashby goes on all year round with much of the work being done behind the scenes. From deep cleans and completing in-depth historical research to conserving fragile artefacts, find out more about our work in the house at Canons Ashby.
With so many unique collection items and architectural features, keeping Canons Ashby in good condition and open to the public can be a challenge. By closing the house for parts of winter, the house team have the perfect opportunity to address the many conservation issues that arise throughout the year.
Each room has different conservation challenges that the team face on a day-to-day basis. Some of the main agents of deterioration are relative humidity, light, pests, dust, mechanical damage and mould, and it’s hard work to keep all of these different problems at bay.
The team carefully clean everything in the collection, often using small brushes and a vacuum cleaner with an undyed nylon mesh filter. This keeps dust under control and reduces damage to the collection, while also allowing the team to notice signs of pests and decay. They are particularly alert to silverfish, who could cause serious damage to the historic book collection.
Alongside the daily and annual cleaning, larger conservation projects have also taken place to help protect and restore Canons Ashby. Often this work is supported by onsite fundraising.
In order to understand more about Canons Ashby’s quirky and complicated building, the National Trust worked with archaeologists from Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) to complete a detailed historic building survey of the house between autumn 2017 and spring 2018.
As part of the report the archaeologists photographed and surveyed each section of the house in minute detail. They produced a 3D model of the house and re-discovered long lost floors. The findings of the survey will, in the future, help the team to develop conservation, interpretation and visitor engagement for Canons Ashby in the future.
A copy of the report can be downloaded from Canons Ashby’s Heritage Records Online website.
The carpet in the main staircase does a very important job: it protects the vulnerable and historic floor. The previous modern carpet had become very thin thanks to plenty of footfall, which gave the team a chance to replace it with a new carpet specifically designed for the historic space.
By examining watercolours painted by Clara Dryden in the early 1900s, a new carpet pattern was designed and created in 2019, inspired by what was here over 100 years ago. This was created on historic looms by Grosvenor Wilton, one of the UK’s oldest independent carpet manufacturers.
With your ongoing support, we're able to continue our vital conservation work. Thank you for helping to protect these special places.
Everyone needs nature, now more than ever. Donate today and you could help people and nature to thrive at the places we care for.
The garden provides plenty of space for the family to have a great day out and enjoy the fresh air. You can also stretch your legs with one of the walks in the wider grounds.
Explore the historic house at Canons Ashby with grand rooms, stunning tapestries and plasterwork which contrasts with the servants' quarters. Find out more about what you can see.
Canons Ashby was home to the Dryden family for over 400 years and has a rich history. Discover how the house developed and about the people that made the house we see today.
Find out more about volunteering opportunities at Canons Ashby and how you can join the team to play your part in looking after this historic family home.
Find out more about the work the team are doing to improve biodiversity at Canons Ashby, including a recent project to restore the medieval stew ponds.
Discover family-friendly activities and days out with the kids at Canons Ashby, including nature trails, wild play and school holiday events.
Read about our strategy, which focuses on restoring nature, ending unequal access and inspiring more people.
We believe that nature, beauty and history are for everyone. That’s why we’re supporting wildlife, protecting historic sites and more. Find out about our work.