A celebration of tapestry, embroidery and appliqué. Discover how Bess of Hardwick’s exquisite textile collection tells her story.
Half term has never been more ‘love’ly! Explore the exciting Elizabethan themes of St Valentines through outdoor play and crafts.
Visit the East Stables for a crafternoon to remember during half term!
View exciting new artworks and explore the world of digital arts and engineering through a series of fun workshops.
Free entry for National Lottery Open Week with a valid National Lottery ticket, Instant Win Game, or scratchcard (physical or digital).
With map in-hand follow and find each activity trail station through the gardens, don’t forget to stop for your chocolate egg at the end!
EARLY BIRD TICKETS OUT NOW! Come one and all to see a brand new musical theatre performance of Good Queen Bess. With a backdrop of the most celebrated Elizabethan prodigy house, it'll be like taking a trip back in time!
See how many laps you can complete in this 6-hour running challenge!
EARLY BIRD TICKETS OUT NOW! Lose yourself The Three Inch Fool's take on THE midsummer play of plays at Hardwick Hall.
See how many laps you can complete in this 6-hour running challenge!
With no fixed time or distance, take part in this exciting race where you run a 4.161-mile loop every hour until you can’t run anymore. Intrigued? Click to find out more...