Accessibility at Attingham

Everyone is welcome at Attingham Park. For full information on accessing Attingham, and making the most of your visit, please read below.
Arrival and parking
Car Park
Attingham Park is on a main road (B4380), signposted by brown signs from Telford and Shrewsbury.
The car park is free, and stone chipped and tarmacked.
On busy days we open the overflow car park, which is an uneven grass surface.
There are 20 accessible parking spaces in the front two rows of the car park, indicated by sign.
You can also drop off visitors by Visitor Reception, and park elsewhere in the car park.
Visitor Reception
Visitor Reception
By the car park is Visitor Reception, a new, wood-finished building with large glass windows.
Outdoor surfaces are pressed gravel, and indoor surfaces are vinyl.
Visitor Reception is:
- Ground floor
- Level access
- Entrance door is 1800mm wide
On arrival, our team will welcome you. Please have your membership cards to hand.
Carers can receive free entry through the National Trust’s Essential Companion card scheme.
Our team are available to answer any questions and provide resources to make the most of your visit.
There is a hearing loop at each till point.
Moving around the site
Buggy service
We have a buggy service available for visitors. The buggy can take visitors to the Walled Garden and the Mansion, from the Walnut Tree. The buggy is not able to pick up from the Car Park.
To check if the buggy will be available, please call Visitor Reception on 01743 708154.
Our buggy is driven by staff and volunteers, 10am - 4pm daily.
To ride the buggy, please ask a team member who will radio the driver. Please note there is a single step up required.
Personal Mobility Scooter (PMV/ Tramper)
We have three Powered Mobility Vehicles (PMV), or trampers, available for free hire.
These are available for up to three hours during your visit from:
- 10am – 1pm
- 2pm – 5pm
Donations are welcome to help maintain these facilities.
We recommend booking your slot at least 48 hours before your visit, as the trampers are very popular.
To book, please call us on 01743 708118 and leave a message. This inbox is checked daily.
Please wait for a call back from our team to confirm your booking, before travelling to visit.
Trampers are easy to operate. We’ll provide a briefing, test drive and route map before you set off, which takes around 10–15 minutes.
Wheelchair hire
We have two wheelchairs available for free hire.
These are available for up to three hours during your visit from:
- 10am – 1pm
- 2pm – 5pm
Donations are welcome to help maintain these facilities.
We recommend booking your slot at least 48 hours before your visit, as the trampers are very popular.
To book, please call us on 01743 708118 and leave a message. This inbox is checked daily.
Please wait for a call back from our team to confirm your booking, before travelling to visit.

Accessing the Mansion
Please note that many areas of the Mansion are open seasonally.
There are two entrances to the Mansion, the front entrance and the rear entrance.
The entrance paths are tarmac, or tar chip and spray. On your way to the rear entrance, there is cobblestone under the clock tower.
Entrance doors stay open, but can be opened by the visitor, or with assistance from our team. All entrance doors to the Mansion open inwards.
Front entrance (Portico):
- 300m from Visitor Reception
- Accessible by wide staircase (10 steps)
- Entrance door is 1210mm wide
- Handrails either side
- Small step
Rear entrance (Outer Courtyard):
- 245m from Visitor Reception (slight downward slope)
- Ground floor
- Level access
- Metal ramps available
- Small raised lip
At the rear entrance, there are two sets of doors.
- First door is 1120mm wide
- Second door is 1140mm wide
Mansion lighting
Most of the Mansion is naturally lit, with LED light from chandeliers, sidelights and directional spotlights.
The Dining Room usually has low lighting, and it can take a few seconds for your eyes to adjust. Torches are available on request.
The stairs in the Mansion are well lit, with staircases for ascending and descending.
On overcast days, some rooms can look darker.
Getting around the Mansion
Two floors of the Mansion are currently available to visit.
The Basement is fully accessible, with level stone floors and matting in places.
The Ground Floor is accessible by lift, which is available on request.
The Nash Staircase, used for ascending, has wide and even treads with handrails either side.
The Best Back Stairs has 64 steps and is narrow in places. There is a handrail either side, and the steps are well lit. These steps are stone, or wood-covered stone with even treads.
No corridors or doorways are less than 750mm wide.
In most rooms, there is space to turn a wheelchair.
On busier days this may be difficult, but our one-way route is linear.
Most rooms are furnished, but due to the size and fabric of these rooms, there is some echoing.
Seating is available in each room which is clearly identifiable. There are no arm rests on these chairs.
Powered Mobility Vehicles (PMVs) aren’t allowed in the Mansion, but manual wheelchairs are available to borrow. Electronic wheelchairs are welcome but may not be suitable for the lift.
If you need assistance, our team are available to help.
The lift is small and narrow, and can’t fit larger electronic wheelchairs in.
Visitors in wheelchairs must be able to descend the front entrance steps in case of fire, so access to upper floors may not be possible.
A trained team member will discuss access needs with you on arrival.
The First Floor is open as part of the ‘Hidden Home Tour’ and is accessible by staircase (64 steps).
In the event of fire, visitors would need to be able to exit without use of the lift (i.e. down the front portico 10 steps).
Mansion resources
Volunteers are available in the Mansion to assist with any queries.
- Guided tours are available, but due to acoustics hearing loops can’t be used.
- Laminates are in each room and large print versions are available on request.
- Braille guides are available. Please ask the team on entry.
- Quiet areas are available in the Basement and the Picture Gallery.

The nearest toilets are in the Stables Courtyard, 175m from Visitor Reception.
This includes gendered toilets, baby changing, and an accessible toilet by the Second-hand Bookshop.
The accessible toilet is:
- 2180mm X 2180mm
- LED lighting
- Hand dryer
- Right hand transfer
More toilets are available by the Mansion and include a Changing Places facility.
The Changing Places facility is:
360m from Visitor Reception, and 185m from the Walnut Tree.
- LED lighting
- Hand dryer
- Blue towel
- Requires a Radar Key
Spare keys are kept at Visitor Reception and the Mansion.
There are toilets by the Walled Garden and in the Field of Play, which aren’t accessible toilets.
Eating and Shopping
Carriage House Café (including ‘Grab and Go’ takeaway counter)
The Carriage House Café and ‘Grab and Go’ are in the Stables Courtyard, 250m from Visitor Reception.
Outdoor surfaces are blue brick, resin bonded gravel and cobble. Indoor surfaces are hard and may echo.
Outdoor seating is available in the Stables Courtyard. Indoor seating (level or ramp access) is available in the Carriage House Café.
The Carriage House Café is:
- Ground floor access
- Level and ramp access
- Entrance door is 1490mm wide
‘Grab and Go’ is:
- Ground floor access
- Level access
- Entrance door is 1490mm wide
Entrance doors stay open, but can be opened by the visitor, or with assistance from our team.
You can order food and drink at the till, and large print menus are on the wall. Drinks are made by, and collected from, separate team members after payment.
There are 2 induction loops at each till point.
In the Café, we have:
- Large-handled cutlery
- Double handed crockery
- Straws
If you need assistance, our team are available to help.
Stables Shop
The Stables Shop is 250m from Visitor Reception.
Outdoor surfaces are blue brick, resin bonded gravel and cobble. Indoor surfaces are hard (concrete and brick), with some historic track lines running through.
The Stables Shop is:
- Ground floor access
- Entrance door is 1040mm wide
There is a small, raised lip between the Stables Courtyard and entrance to the Shop.
Entrance doors stay open, but can be opened by the visitor, or with assistance from our team.
Our team can take down items on high shelves and pick up from lower shelves. There’s no price list, but our team can price check for you.
There is an induction loop at the till point.
There is natural light in all areas of the Stables Shop, with display and overhead lighting.
Second-hand Bookshop
The Second-hand Bookshop is in the left-hand corner of the Stables Courtyard, by the accessible toilet.
Outdoor surfaces are blue brick, resin bonded gravel and cobble. Indoor surfaces are hard (concrete), and rugged carpet.
The Second-hand Bookshop is:
- Ground floor access
- Entrance door is 920mm wide
- Door to staircase is 650mm wide
- Door left of staircase is 840mm wide
The First Floor is accessible by staircase only (17 steps), with an extra 6 steps to reach the upper level. The staircase has a handrail from the bottom to the top of the stairs.
There is natural light in all areas of the Bookshop.
There is an induction loop at the till point.
If you need assistance, our team are available to help on most days.

Free resources
Free resources are available to aid visitors with autism, sensory processing differences, and anyone who feels that they would benefit.
These resources were suggested by young people from Autism West Midlands and have been tested on site.
Visual aid
We have a visual aid showing what to expect at the Field of Play.
This has text and pictures which show the Entrance, Car Park, Visitor Reception, route to the Field of Play and toilets.
Ear defenders
Ear defenders are available in adult and child sizes (3 pairs of each available).
Ear defenders reduce background noise, which can help prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. You can still hear when someone is talking directly to you.
Sensory bags
Sensory bags (3 available) include:
Communication cards
- For non-verbal visitors.
- With key phrases for safety and wellbeing like ‘I am hungry’ or ‘I need space’.
Children’s sunglasses
- Made with flexible, high-quality silicone.
- Prevents overstimulation from outdoor light levels.
Fidget toys
Fidget toys are self-regulation tools which help reduce fidgeting, stress and anxiety, and aid concentration, focus and relaxation.
These provide physical comfort which prevents overstimulation, and include a ‘pop-it’, an infinity ring, a snake, a noodle, a plushie toy, a mesh marble toy, and a puzzle ball.
Colouring sheets and pencils
Recommended from consultation with Autism West Midlands service users.
Induction loops
Where possible, induction loops are available to aid communication with our team.
These are available at:
- Visitor Reception
- Carriage House Café
- Stables Shop
- Second-hand Bookshop
- Mansion Tearoom
Contact us
We have 3 Powered Mobility Vehicle (PMV) available to hire. Trampers can be loaned for one of two three-hour sessions on the day of a visit from 10am – 1pm and from 2pm – 5pm. We recommend contacting the team to book your slot at least 48 hours before your visit as the trampers are very popular. To book, please call us on 01743 708118 and leave a message (this inbox is checked daily). Please wait for a reply from one of our team to confirm your booking before travelling to visit.

Explore the parkland at Attingham
Discover nature and wildlife thriving on Attingham’s historic estate. From ancient trees and wildflowers to cattle and deer, there’s plenty to look out for.

Visiting the garden at Attingham Park
Enjoy a walk around Attingham’s restored Walled Garden and discover the seasonal top things to spot in the kitchen garden, orchard and pleasure grounds.

Things to do in the Mansion at Attingham Park
Uncover a changing story of love and neglect, of changing fortunes, revival and rediscovery inside the Regency Mansion at Attingham.