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Things to see and do at The Weir Garden

A view of a path along the river bank, with a grassy bank of shrubs and daffodils on the left and a stone wall blocking the River Wye on the right.
Daffodils along the River Wye at The Weir Garden | © © National Trust Images/Andrew Butler

Discover the 10-acre site at The Weir Garden, split between the natural riverside garden and the productive walled garden and glasshouse. Here’s what to look out for when you visit, from views over the Wye Valley to an unusual walled garden, as well as the wildlife that visit and call The Weir Garden home.

Spring in the garden

Come spring, the garden is fresh and fragrant, bringing welcome splashes of colour after a long winter.

Early spring sees the beginning of hundreds of daffodils appear upon the banks of the riverside garden. Different varieties are planted meaning we have daffodils in bloom throughout the whole of spring as they all flower at different times. During mid to late spring bluebells begin to appear, the contrast between the two makes a lovely backdrop.

Throughout April and May, more and more wildflowers spray throughout the garden. Daisies, cow parsley, campions and anemones bloom in their hundreds in the garden. The humming of bees and the aroma of wild garlic only enhances the beauty of the garden, appealing to all the senses as you wander around the winding pathways.

Butterflies also reappear from hibernation from around March onwards, see how many different varieties you can spot. The clumps of wildflowers and meadow grass make the garden a great spot for butterfly watching.

Waterfowl bob lazily on the river, find a quiet spot with your loved ones and watch on as the water meanders around the bend and away. As spring progresses, we will begin to see the reappearance of sand martins along the Wye, back from their long, arduous migration they will recoup here and begin to think about finding a mate to nest with. Songbirds in the garden fill the air with melodies, it's so easy to lose an hour or two here.

There's nothing more inviting than the spring garden, why not join us for a fresh springtime wander soon at The Weir Garden?

Explore the garden's historic features

The riverside garden covers the area between the mansion house and the River Wye. The mansion is now a private nursing home, but the views from the top path take in the broad Wye Valley as it meanders across rural Herefordshire.

The boathouse

Built in 1920, the boathouse is hugely significant at The Weir, being one of only a few to remain alongside the Wye today. The boathouse is constructed from reinforced concrete and was cast in situ, with the retaining wall also built around the same time. Look out for otters that have been visiting the boathouse.

The rockery

Highly fashionable during the 1920s, rockeries were alternative and attractive features for the garden. Many exotic trees were planted around the small pools and the mossy rocks provide a cool, damp setting for nature watching.

Rustic hut

Built by Roger Parr in the 1950s, it was designed as a fisherman’s hut, a sheltered place to sit and enjoy the spectacular views in bad weather. The materials were locally sourced or from the estate and the hut was designed to blend in with the surroundings.

The floor is made up of river cobbles, white quartz and horses’ teeth. Look out for the teeth that were used to form a letter ‘P’ for Parr. The walls are made from rough elm timbers and the seat has been decorated with split birch to give it a truly rustic appearance.

Inside the Foster and Pearson Greenhouse in the garden at The Weir, Herefordshire
Inside the Foster and Pearson Greenhouse at The Weir Garden | © National Trust Images/David Sellman

See what's growing in the walled garden

The walled garden at The Weir was designed by Humphry Repton and is a short walk through the orchard, past the sheep field until you reach the red-brick wall with the wooden door.

Just outside the wall you’ll see the early Georgian cold frames, which have been fully restored, then step through the big wooden door into a secret garden.

Unlike a standard walled garden, this one has just three sides to make the most of the sunshine and to enjoy the views of the River Wye. You can buy the home-grown goods, straight from the garden.

The glasshouse

The crown of the restored walled garden is the 1920s glasshouse. Built in the 19th century by the same company that built Queen Victoria’s glasshouses, Foster & Pearson, it sadly fell into disrepair for over 50 years. 

Thanks to our supporters, it was sympathetically restored, but now requires further conservation work so is closed for the time being. Work will continue until late autumn; why not take a look and see the work in action on your next visit? Records show the glasshouse was used all year round to grow mushrooms, asparagus and rhubarb, being forced over winter and the gardeners still plant in the same format today.

Take a stroll through the parkland

Enjoy a mile-long, circular walk around the parkland at The Weir Garden, exploring the rich history of the wider estate, discovering the huge variety of wildlife, and taking in the sweeping views over the Herefordshire countryside. The parkland walk starts near the welcome board in the car park.

Click here for more information about The Weir's parkland walk.

Go wildlife watching 

Bird watching

Over 70 species of birds have been recorded at The Weir Garden, and the Bird Hide is the perfect place to sit and watch. We get woodpeckers visiting and nesting in springtime; great spotter, lesser spotted and green woodpeckers have all been recorded here over the past year.

A firm favourite with visitors is the kingfisher which can be spotted throughout spring, summer and autumn, darting up and down the Wye with a brilliant flash of blue. The garden is abundant with various finches throughout the year; look out for bullfinch, goldfinch, chaffinch and greenfinch.

Otters in the garden

Resident otters have chosen their spot at The Weir. Tiny footprints have been spotted along the riverbank and inside the boathouse. Shy creatures, they have only been spotted once or twice, but the footprints keep appearing, showing they’re still active.

Restoring priority habitats

Thanks to the support of National Highways, we are embarking on a new project to restore over 65 hectares of priority habitat at The Weir Garden. By restoring meadowland, wood pasture, broadleaf woodland, and traditional orchards, we'll create a mosaic of diverse habitats for wildlife.

If you're visiting ask the team about this new project.

Family walking by the river, surrounded by mist and frost-covered trees.

Discover more at The Weir Garden

Find out how to get to The Weir Garden, where to park, the things to see and do and more.

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An otter raising its head out of the water among the grass on a riverbank at Croome, Worcestershire.

Our work at The Weir Garden 

The garden at The Weir is managed in a natural way to create a varied habitat for wildlife. You can see many species in the garden - from the otters and fish that live in the river, to the birds that nest here. In the wider estate we are in the process of restoring over 65 hectares of priority habitat.

The River Wye viewed from the Summer House, The Weir Garden, Herefordshire

The history of The Weir Garden 

The Weir Garden has a rich and varied history, from Roman settlement to family garden. Discover the stories of times past and learn about the garden’s history.


Restoring the walled garden at The Weir Garden 

Neglected for 50 years, the walled garden was brought back to life. Find out about its restoration project.

Outdoors staff and volunteers in the parkland wearing red t-shirts and carrying equipment for work in the parkland. There is a black truck in the background with white writing on the side saying 'Herefordshire Countryside'.

Volunteering opportunities at The Weir Garden 

Help maintain the natural beauty of The Weir Garden on the banks of the River Wye by joining the volunteer team.

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Gardening tips 

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