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Gibside health walk

Take part in a health walk around Gibside.

  • Booking not needed
  • Free event

It's been proven that getting outdoors can improve your mental and physical well-being. At Gibside, you can take part in a short, free health walk and get moving with a stroll around this 18th-century landscape garden. Every Wednesday, 11am.


The basics

Booking details

Call 07712535938 There are limited spaces. Please call the booking number during open hours for any queries.

Meeting point

Collect your token from Visitor Reception and meet the group at Shepherd's Hut in Market Place.

What to bring and wear

Suitable footwear and comfortable clothing. Waterproofs when necessary.


Phase 1 will be a gentle walk on flat ground, covering 1-2 miles, starting at Shepherd's Hut and leading up the Avenue. Up to 3 group leads will support you along the route.


A registration form must be completed before your first walk so please arrive early to allow time to do this.

Upcoming events


Summer of Play at Gibside 

Welcome to a summer of possibilities. Create, explore, move, wonder and make-believe at Gibside, all summer long.

Event summary

27 Jul to 3 Sep 2024
10:00 to 17:00
+ 38 other dates or times

History talk - an introduction to the history of Gibside 

Get a taste for the history of Gibside with a Guided Walk volunteer.

Event summary

27 Jul to 22 Dec 2024
11:30 to 12:00
+ 106 other dates or times

History walk - the story of Gibside 

Dive into the history of Gibside and take a walk with a Guided Walk volunteer around the 18th century landscape garden.

Event summary

27 Jul to 22 Dec 2024
13:00 to 14:30
+ 106 other dates or times

Live music at Gibside this summer 

Soak up the atmosphere at Gibside this summer with live music from Red Kites Jazz and The Cobweb Orchestra.

Event summary

27 Jul to 10 Aug 2024
14:00 to 16:00
+ 1 other date or time