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Haf o Hwyl ym Mhlas Newydd | Summer of Play at Plas Newydd

Ydych chi'n barod i gael eich ysbrydoli a gadael i'ch dychymyg redeg yn wyllt? | Are you ready to be inspired and let your imagination run wild?

  • Booking not needed
  • Free event (admission applies)

Dewch i archwilio Plas Newydd dros yr haf. Mae pum gweithgaredd i’w harchwilio, a fyddwch chi’n artist, yn fardd, yn athletwr neu’n ddawnsiwr?

Gallwch fod yn greadigol gyda chelf wyllt yn yr ardd ac ysgrifennu barddoniaeth yn y goedwig. Edrychwch allan at olygfa Eryri a brasluniwch lun fel artist, neu beth am ddawnsio, troelli a gwisgo fyny yn yr Ystafell Gerdd. Gallwch hyd yn oed gystadlu mewn mabolgampau eich hun, mae digon i'w wneud dros yr haf!

Mae gweithgareddau Haf o Hwyl am ddim (mae mynediad arferol yn berthnasol), felly gallwch chi roi cynnig ar bopeth a dod yn ôl dro ar ôl tro.


Come and explore Plas Newydd this summer. There are five activities to explore, will you be an artist, a poet, an athlete or a dancer?

You can get creative with some wild art in the garden and write poetry in the woodland. Look out towards the view of Eryri (Snowdonia) and draw like an artist, or why not dance, spin, and dress up in the Music Room. You can even compete in your own sports day, there's plenty to do this summer!

Summer of Play activities are free (normal admission applies), so you can try them all and come back again and again.



Event ticket prices

This event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue.

Check admission prices

The basics


Designed for children and perfect for all the family.

What to bring and wear

This is an outdoor event, dress for the weather.


There are accessible paths around the garden. Please see the map for more details.

Upcoming events


Parkrun iau | Junior parkrun 

Os ydych eisiau cyfarfod ffrindiau newydd, neu rhoi cynnig ar rywbeth gwahanol, gallai Parkrun Iau fod yr union beth i chi. | Whether you want meet new friends, or want to try something different, Junior Parkrun could be just the thing for you.

Event summary

28 Jul 2024 to 26 Apr 2026
09:00 to 10:30
+ 91 other dates or times

Sesiynau hwylio | Sailing sessions 

Dewch i fwynhau’r golygfeydd godidog drwy hwylio a gweld Plas Newydd o ongl wahanol. **** Come and enjoy the stunning scenery through sailing and view Plas Newydd from a different angle.

Event summary

28 Jul to 29 Sep 2024
11:00 to 13:00
+ 19 other dates or times

Perfformiadau yn yr ardd ym Mhlas Newydd | Performances in the garden at Plas Newydd 

Dewch draw i weld perfformiadau gan Magic Light Productions yn yr ardd ym Mhlas Newydd | Come to see the performances by Magic Light Productions in the garden at Plas Newydd.

Event summary

6 Aug to 27 Aug 2024
11:30 to 12:15
+ 7 other dates or times

Cerddorfa anthem ddawns ym Mhlas Newydd | Dance Anthem Orchestra at Plas Newydd 

Ymunwch â ni am noson o gerddoriaeth a dawnsio dan y sêr ym Mhlas Newydd. **** Join us for music and dancing under the stars at Plas Newydd.

Event summary

6 Sep 2024
19:00 to 22:00