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View from the Book Room into the Library at Wimpole Hall, Cambridgeshire
View from the Book Room into the Library at Wimpole Hall, Cambridgeshire | © National Trust Images/Andreas von Einsiedel

Houses and buildings in Cambridgeshire

If you're looking for an absorbing day out in Cambridgeshire, discover historic houses big and small and working mills to visit around the county.

Houses to visit in Cambridgeshire

Staff member at work on a ladder to the shelves in the Library at Wimpole, Cambridgeshire

Wimpole Hall 

Step inside Wimpole Hall and discover how previous owners made their mark on this complex house.

A guide shows visitors a painting of Lord Fairhaven, Anglesey Abbey, Cambridgeshire

Anglesey Abbey 

Discover the many layers that Anglesey Abbey has to offer. A Jacobean priory, once home to Lord Fairhaven.

Buildings to visit in Cambridgeshire

Houghton Mill, Cambridgeshire

Houghton Mill 

Discover the 18th-century building at Houghton Mill, from Victorian machinery to freshly ground flour that you can buy to use at home.

Lode Mill, Anglesey Abbey, Cambridgeshire

Lode Mill at Anglesey Abbey 

Discover how the Lode Mill was rescued from being derelict for many years and restored by the new owner Lord Fairhaven.

Visitors meeting Murphy, one of the Shire horse on Home Farm at Wimpole Estate, Cambridgeshire

Wimpole Home Farm 

Built in 1794, Home Farm is the only in-hand farm of its kind in the National Trust. Unique to Wimpole Estate, it is a model for sustainable farming practices. A must see on your next visit, it is home to many rare-breed animals and the species of flora and fauna that make the estate an agricultural champion.  

Ramsey Abbey Gatehouse, Cambridgeshire in summer

Ramsey Abbey Gatehouse 

Remains of a former Benedictine abbey

Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire

Closed now

Collection highlights

Centre detail of the Shield of Achilles by Philip Rundell at Anglesey Abbey, Cambridgeshire

Anglesey Abbey’s treasures 

Discover more about five of the most important treasures within the collection at Anglesey Abbey.

The South Front of Anglesey Abbey, Cambridgeshire

Discover more in Cambridgeshire

Fenland landscapes, grand houses, lush farmland and a myriad of waterways can all be found in Cambridgeshire.